Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Things Keep In Mind Make Your Life Success And Happy

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Things Keep In Mind Make Your Life Success And Happy

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana has great importance in Sanatan Dharma. This is the reason why it is one of the 18 Mahapuranas and has the status of Mahapurana. The author of this Purana is Lord Vishnu himself. In this, along with the conditions of birth, death and rebirth, the importance of ethics, knowledge, religion, worship, yajna, penance etc. has also been explained in detail.

Garuda Purana inspires to follow religion and perform virtuous deeds. So that the person can live a happy life and attain salvation after death. Garuda Purana tells about the importance of some things related to Hindu religion, which if followed makes life easier. If you understand the importance of these things, then understand that the life of your life has crossed. Know what those things are.

  • Ekadashi fast: In Hindu religion, Ekadashi fast is considered the best fast. The glory of Ekadashi fast has been described by Shri Hari himself in Garuda Purana. Ekadashi fast is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu. The auspicious results of Ekadashi fast destroy sins and increase the results of good deeds. Therefore, if you are not able to observe any fast, then at least do fast and worship on the day of Ekadashi.
  • Tulsi worship: The importance of Tulsi has also been discussed in Garuda Purana. Tulsi plant is sacred and revered. According to Garuda Purana, if a Tulsi plant is near a person before his death or a Tulsi leaf is placed in his mouth, then he attains salvation after death. Along with this, by worshiping Tulsi, Goddess Lakshmi resides in the house. Lord Vishnu also loves Tulsi, hence it is also called Vishnupriya. By worshiping Tulsi regularly, there is happiness and prosperity at home and blessings of Lord Vishnu.
  • Ganges: In the scriptures and Garuda Purana, Ganga has been called the giver of salvation. Therefore, in Kaliyuga, the water of river Ganga is considered sacred. Ganga water is used in religious activities. All sins are washed away by bathing in Ganga. Therefore understand the importance of Ganga.

read this also:Garuda Purana: The secret of long life is told in Garuda Purana, but you will have to abstain from these things.

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